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Plants in Clay Pots

Bringing your home to life with plants and pots has never been easier!

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Grow Your Plant Collection with Our Awesome Bundle Deals!

Savings Bundles

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Why do we have a minimum order of 600 EGP?

Shipping plants is expensive, we have learned that a refrigerated truck is the best way to get your plants to you safe and sound. When we switched to these trucks we found that the cost of shipping is 250. Instead of making you pay for shipping, we found that a minimum order of 600 and shipping at 65 will help Kaynuna grow while you can use your money to buy more plants instead of paying for shipping.

  • I’m not sure I can care for a plant, what if I need help?

    Kaynuna is literally a phone call away, we’ll look at pictures, send videos and help you figure out what’s wrong. If you have a death in a plant, we’ll help you find another partner at home.

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  • I’m buying this as a gift, is it a good one?

    Plants, trees and pots are a beautiful way to tell someone you care about them, they will remind them of the life in your relationship and the more it grows, the better the gift will be.

  • I can't decide which plant to get, they all look amazing!

    Finding the ideal plant for your lifestyle starts with understanding its water and light needs. Let us guide you in picking the perfect green companion.

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