Shipping Fees

Our mission at Kaynuna is to offer reasonably priced plants, in a few products like the Golden Pothos, we have succeeded in offering a great price in the market. The problem is that shipping plants is expensive, its hard to break even on small orders and since Kaynuna is in the start of her journey we couldn't offer shipping for all orders.

We listened to your feedback and tried to create a shipping structure that allows us to deliver your plants and keep shipping fees low and help us keep Kaynuna running and our prices down.

For Orders between 350 EGP - 1,000:

  1. Shipping is 60 EGP if you choose one week delivery
  2. If you don't mind the wait, you can choose the two week delivery for 30 EGP

For Orders above 1,000 EGP:


We promise that as we grow, we will work on bringing down the shipping for all order sizes and help more people get plants. The best way you can help us lower our shipping fees, is to help Kaynuna grow by bringing more people into the plant world.