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Mint Herb

Mint Herb

Regular price 40 EGP
Regular price Sale price 40 EGP
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Black Pots are shipped directly from the supplier, brown pots are repotted by Kaynuna. For more info, click here.

Standard Shipping: 10 to 14 Days

Mint is a very distinct, well-known flavored plant that is fast growing and used in a variety of culinary dishes from sweet to savory. It is hardy and will take over if not contained. It does well in pots and likes moist growing conditions. Whether you’re brewing a cup of mint tea, adding it to your favorite recipes, or simply enjoying its fragrance, mint is a versatile and delightful herb!

General Facts

Mint is not only used historically to treat stomach aches and chest pains. but also being researched for its potential benefits in managing irritable bowel syndrome. It is also used in many cosmetics and perfumes.


Pet Friendly:

Maintenance Level:
Low Maintenance

Scientific Name

Mentha Spicta

Care Instructions

Light Tips:
-It thrives in indirect light.
-Can tolerate full sun if watered frequently.
-Avoid intense sun exposure to prevent leaf scorch.

Watering Tips:
-Water when the top inch of the soil becomes dry.
-Keep the soil consistently moist.
-Use a well-draining, sandy potting mix to ensure good drainage.

Soil Type:
-Loamy or sandy

Preferred Spot

Light: Mint prefers partial shade to full sun. In hotter climates, it benefits from some afternoon shade to prevent wilting.
Location: Choose a spot that gets 3-4 hours of sunlight daily.

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