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Maranta Plant

Maranta Plant

Regular price 220 EGP
Regular price Sale price 220 EGP
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We have 4 left in stock

Black Pots are shipped directly from the supplier, brown pots are repotted by Kaynuna. For more info, click here.

Standard Shipping: 10 to 14 Days

Maranta Plant:

Meet the Maranta Leuconeura plant, one of the most captivating houseplants. 

This plant belongs to a group known as prayer plants. The name comes from their unique behavior: at night, their leaves fold up like praying hands, and during the day, they unfurl to soak in the sunlight. All these plants boast vivid leaf patterns, and the maranta is truly dazzling.

General Facts

Pet/Baby safe:

Scientific Name

Maranta leuconeura

Care Instructions

Medium light:
- It loves lots of light but ideally not direct sun, which will make its colors fade. A little bit of shade is ok.

Watering Tips:
- It likes its soil on the drier side. Wait for its soil to dry to a depth of at least two cm before watering again.

Humidity Tips:
- It enjoys a humid environment. A naturally steamy bathroom or kitchen is great, or you can mist it regularly.

Preferred Spot

Indoor, in a room with high humidity; such as, in a bathroom or a kitchen.

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